
Can we check CBSE result only by roll number?

Can we check CBSE result only by roll number?

if you want to see your result through your roll number, then firstly logon to and after that select the CBSE 10 board exam 2021 section and fill your admit card details and get your results.

How can I download previous year admit card?

Visit the official website On the right column, click on the link: “ADMIT CARD AND SCHOOL LOC FOR BOARD EXAMINATION 2020” Use the school login ID and password to download the admit card. Save and print for future reference.

Where can I see CBSE 12 result?

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has declared Class 12 result soon. The CBSE 12th result will be available on the official website and on board’s apps as and when it is released.

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Where can I see CBSE 12th result?

Students can check their annual result on the official website of the CBSE. The result is expected on 30th July 2021. All the regular and private students have to check their class 12th result. They can check the result on or

How do I download my CBSE admit card?

CBSE Admit Card Download 2022 – Step to Download

  1. Go to the official website of CBSE,
  2. On the home page, click on the link that reads “CBSE admit card 2022 Class 10th or 12th’.
  3. The ‘Authentication details’ page will be displayed on the screen.

How can I get class 12 admit card online?

Step 1: Visit the official web portal of CBSE: Step 2: Under the “Infocus Tab”, check for the link “Admit Card, LOC & Centre Material for Board Examination 2021 (Main)” and click on it. Step 3: Enter “User ID” and “Password”

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How can I find my cbse admit card?

For self-taught students: is the official CBSE website. Visit the link – Admit Card, LOC, and Centre Material for Board Examination 2021 – under the ‘Infocus Tab’ on the extreme right (Main) Enter the unique user ID and password issued by the board on the redirected page.

How can I download class 12 admit card?

Steps to Download CBSE Class 12 Admit Card for Private Candidates

  1. Step 1: Visit the official web portal of CBSE:
  2. Step 2: Under the “Infocus Tab”, check for the link “Admit Card, LOC & Centre Material for Board Examination 2021 (Main)” and click on it.
  3. Step 3: Enter “User ID” and “Password”