
Which crossword day is the easiest?

Which crossword day is the easiest?

The puzzle becomes increasingly difficult throughout the week, with the easiest puzzle on Monday and the most difficult puzzle on Saturday. The larger Sunday crossword, which appears in The New York Times Magazine, is an icon in American culture; it is typically intended to be as difficult as a Thursday puzzle.

How do you read cryptic clues?

Beginner’s guide to solving cryptic crosswords

  1. Read the clue. Then read it backwards.
  2. Think about the rest of the clue.
  3. Harden your heart against the setter’s siren charms.
  4. Repeat step three.
  5. Look at the number of letters.
  6. Solve the damn thing . . .

What is a quick crossword?

In the ‘Quick’ crossword in The Daily Telegraph newspaper (Sunday and Daily, UK), it has become a convention also to make the first few words (usually two or three, but can be more) into a phrase.

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What is a Nina in crosswords?

A Nina is a special feature of the crossword grid: a word, words or phrase hidden within a pattern of cells in the completed grid. An example from an Indy crossword: the words STALACTITE and STALAGMITE are concealed vertically, in symmetrical positions.

What does l mean in crossword?

On crossword solving blogs/communities, solutions are sometimes explained in shorthand notation such as {A}{C}{CLIMAx*} for ACCLAIM, CAL(1)L<= for LILAC, or ~(tale)+SPIN for TAILSPIN. Crossword sites generally carry a key to the annotation format – for example, THCC displays an “Annotations” widget on the sidebar.

Are cryptic crosswords good for your brain?

In conclusion our research has shown that cryptic crosswords can help improve cognitive functioning in later life, which might not be the case for general knowledge crosswords. Overall the take-home message is continue doing the cryptic crosswords, even if they are a struggle!