
Are college graduates healthier than high school graduates?

Are college graduates healthier than high school graduates?

Good Health A study conducted by the Lumina Foundation called “It’s Not Just the Money”, reports that college graduates are 44 percent healthier than their non-graduate peers.

Are college graduates happier than high school graduates?

In a survey that utilized data from the U.S. General Social Surveys, 94\% of people with a bachelor’s degree or more reported feeling happy or very happy with their lives overall, while 89\% of high school grads said the same.

Why would employers prefer college graduates over non college graduates?

The study found that employers believe that applicants with a college degree are more “job-ready” than those without a degree. Specifically, employers feel that candidates with degrees possess more hard and soft skills than non-degreed candidates.

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Are college graduates less likely to be obese?

College graduates are far less likely to be obese, compared to those with less education. Degree holders exhibit significantly more physical activity, drink fewer sugar-sweetened beverages, and eat fast food less often than those with lower educational attainment.

What is the average lifespan of a college graduate?

The researchers found that in 2018, American adults with a bachelor’s degree could expect to live 48.2 years out of a possible 50, while those without a college degree could expect to live 45.1 years.

Are you more likely to be hired with a college degree?

College graduates see 57 percent more job opportunities than non-graduates, and it is estimated that, by 2020, two-thirds of all jobs will require postsecondary education. A degree enables you to qualify for these additional opportunities and offers you more flexibility in where you choose to work.

Do college graduates live longer?

College graduates live longer than those without a college degree—and the gap is growing. The researchers found that in 2018, American adults with a bachelor’s degree could expect to live 48.2 years out of a possible 50, while those without a college degree could expect to live 45.1 years.