
How do you know when your ovulating if you have irregular periods?

How do you know when your ovulating if you have irregular periods?

When your cycles are irregular, that possible ovulation window may be longer than it is for other women. You may want to consider charting your basal body temperature (BBT). BBT charting can show you when you actually ovulated. You can also share your BBT charts with your doctor.

How can I get pregnant with irregular cycles?

If you’re ovulating, you have the ability to get pregnant, but if you have irregular periods, your chances for pregnancy may be more limited than a woman with regular periods. The most important thing is to have regular unprotected sex. Aim to have intercourse at least every two to three days.

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What are the disadvantages of fertility awareness?


  • High failure rate if not used consistently and correctly.
  • Fewer “safe” days to have intercourse each month.
  • Training is essential.
  • Breast feeding, illness and other factors can obscure fertility signs.
  • No protection from STIs.
  • If periods are not regular, may not be as effective.

Is Fertility Awareness Method hormonal?

The Marquette method combines BBT and cervical mucus tracking with use of an electronic hormonal fertility monitor. The monitor detects hormones in urine to confirm fertile days.

Do irregular periods affect fertility?

Irregular menstrual cycles don’t always affect fertility. In fact, plenty of women with irregular menstrual cycles get pregnant and go on to have normal pregnancies. So if you’re wondering whether irregular periods mean infertility, the answer is no, but this may make it harder for you to get pregnant.

Does the FAM method work?

FAMs are about 76-88\% effective: that means 12-24 out of 100 couples who use FAMs will get pregnant each year, depending on which method(s) are used. If you use multiple FAMs together, they work even better.

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How much does Fertility Awareness Methods cost?

Classes: free up to $25-100+ per hour depending on where location. Ask a health care provider or local health center if they know of qualified instructors, or check out the Fertility Awareness Center to find out about local workshops.

How much does fertility awareness method cost?

Available online in regular and deluxe versions, ranging from $10-$25. Classes: free up to $25-100+ per hour depending on where location. Ask a health care provider or local health center if they know of qualified instructors, or check out the Fertility Awareness Center to find out about local workshops.

Who should use fertility awareness method?

Fertility awareness is a way to try to prevent pregnancy by not having sex around the time of ovulation (the release of an egg during a woman’s monthly cycle). Couples who want to have a baby can also use this method to plan sex during the time the woman is most likely to conceive.