
What is a continuous load?

What is a continuous load?

Any type of load that runs for more than three hours is considered a continuous load. There should be a limit to the amps of electricity or power drawn from a source to effectively manage energy usage.

Which is an example of a continuous load?

Examples of continuous loads are electric lighting, process pumps and compressors required to handle the design flow conditions, and either quarters heating or air conditioning, whichever is larger.

How do you find non continuous loads?

Outside lighting load. To calculate outside lighting loads, multiply the VA rating of each lighting unit by 100\% for noncontinuous operation and 125\% for continuous operation.

Is lighting a continuous load?

Most commercial lighting and electric signs are considered continuous loads.

What are non continuous loads?

Something like, “loads lasting more than x seconds but less than 3 hours shall be considered noncontinuous”. In that way, whether or not the load is a lights, a toaster or a bug zapper or what have you, the time duration defines how it is applied.

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Is water heater considered continuous load?

A fixed-storage-type water heater that has a capacity of 120 gallons or less shall be considered a continuous load for the purposes of sizing branch circuits. Because of 422.13, this water heater shall be considered a continuous load.

Is HVAC a continuous load?

Per the NEC definition, continuous means three hours or more. I’ve always considered HVAC loads as continuous.

Is air conditioning a continuous load?

Is a furnace a continuous load?

Unless it has a thermostat. Most heating units are continuous.

Is Electric Heat considered a continuous load?

In accordance with 424.3(B), fixed electric space-heating equipment and motors shall be considered continuous-load. As defined in Article 100, a continuous load is a load where the maximum current is expected to continue for three hours or more.