
How much data does a podcast use per hour?

How much data does a podcast use per hour?

Podcasts use approximately 60MB per hour If you don’t want to use data listening to podcasts on the go, most podcasts apps will let you download episodes for future listening while you’re connected to a wireless network.

Does podcast consume a lot of data?

Low quality audio – best for talk radio services and podcasts – runs at 96kbps and uses 43.2MB of your allowance every hour. Normal quality (160kbps) uses 72MB and high-quality (320kbps) consumes 115.2MB per hour.

How many GB does it take to stream a podcast?

Hour-long podcasts average 60MB on average. If you’re a big audio streamer, we recommend a plan with at least 2GB to satisfy average smartphone use in addition to your content needs.

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Does it use more data to download or stream a podcast?

Intuitively, many users think that downloading will take more data than streaming. However, usually, the two processes require the same amount of data, because the functionalities are similar. For both streaming and downloading the file is sent to the device.

Do you need WIFI for podcasts?

A podcast is essentially a radio show that you can get on the internet, so you can listen any time you want. Or, you can download a podcast, which means you’re saving it on your phone, or tablet, or computer, and you can listen to it anytime, even without an internet connection.

Does Spotify podcasts use data?

It’s best to use WiFi instead of mobile data. If you don’t have WiFi, the app uses your mobile data.

Can I listen to a podcast without WiFi?

How much data does a 2 hour podcast use?

Approximately 60MB per hour As a rule of thumb, we’ve found most podcasts are approximately 1MB per minute; if you’re wanting to listen to a 40-minute podcast, expect to use about 40MB of data.

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Can I listen to podcasts without WiFi?

How do I make my podcast use less storage?

Method 2: Disable individual show downloads

  1. Open the Podcasts app.
  2. Tap the Library tab.
  3. Scroll through the list and select any shows from which you no longer want to receive new episodes automatically.
  4. Tap the options (…) button, then tap Custom Settings.
  5. Choose Download Episodes, then select Off.