
Is it correct to say turn off the lights?

Is it correct to say turn off the lights?

Turn out in turn out the lights is idiomatic. Turn off is a general verb for turning off almost any device. The meaning of both is equally the same and there isn’t any difference at all, but non-native speakers may not be aware of the idiomatic one and therefore may find it unusual.

Is it turn the lights on or turn on the lights?

Senior Member. They are both correct and the meaning is the same. Note that here “on” is an adverb, not a preposition; we’re not saying “on something”, it tells us how we must “turn” the light (on or off).

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How do you say turn off lights?

What are the other ways of saying “turn on/off the light”?

  1. taps the light switch (off);
  2. slams the switch on;
  3. shuts the light (off).

What is the meaning of Turn off light?

1 : to turn off (something) by turning or pushing a button or moving a switch, lever, etc. He switched off the light/lamp.

What is the difference between turn out and turn off?

In general, “Turn off” means to shut down or switch off like is expected. “turn out” is usually used to say “the turn out was good” meaning a lot of people came.

What is the difference between light out and light off?

Given current technology, there’s no difference between “turn off the light” and “turn out the light.” You switch “off” electricity and you put “out” a flame, but whale oil and natural gas are no longer in use for lighting. We now say either “turn off” or “turn out” in referring to lights of any kind.

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What is the difference between light off and light out?

Given current technology, there’s no difference between “turn off the light” and “turn out the light.” You switch “off” electricity and you put “out” a flame, but whale oil and natural gas are no longer in use for lighting.

Is it cheaper to leave lights on or turn them off?

You should leave the lights on because it takes more energy to turn them back on than you’ll save by turning them off. FALSE! Fluorescent lights do take a small surge of power when turned on, but this is significantly smaller than the amount saved by turning them off.

Is a turn off meaning?

Definition of turnoff (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a place where one turns off especially : exit sense 4. 2 : one that causes loss of interest or enthusiasm the music was a turnoff. 3 : a turning off.