
How do you dry a fountain pen after cleaning?

How do you dry a fountain pen after cleaning?

Dry the pen and nib with a soft towel. Remember some paper towels may scratch your nib or pen. We recommend a soft micro-fiber towel. Once the pen is dry reassemble the pen and fill with ink and you are ready to write again!

How do you restore a fountain pen nib?

Insert a fresh cartridge into the pen and squeeze it gently until the ink flows through the end of the pen. If the pen will still not write, disassemble it again and leave the nib to soak for several hours in a light detergent-and-water mix before reassembly.

How long can you leave a fountain pen unused?

Although the majority of modern fountain pens should be fine with their ink being left in them for a week or two without the ink drying out, some can dry out in a matter of days even when kept in optimal conditions.

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How do you fix a dried out pen?

  1. Fill your bowl with rubbing alcohol (you can also use the cap of the alcohol bottle, as you’ll see in these examples) and put the Sharpie, tip down, in the liquid.
  2. Let it sit until you see a little ink running out into the alcohol.
  3. The next time you put pen to paper, your Sharpie should be working perfectly!

Why is my fountain pen ink watery?

When a fountain pen puts ink down too quickly, it will create wide, wet lines that can be difficult to control and take a long time to dry. It also increases the likelihood of the ink feathering or bleeding through the paper. In extreme cases, ink might even drip or leak from the nib.

Can you fix fountain pen nib?

The last cause of dry fountain pens can be baby’s bottom. This happens when there is too much tipping on the nib creating rounded tines that separate. The can be fixed by lightly sanding the nib using very fine mylar paper or micromesh.

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Why is my fountain pen so watery?

How do I protect my fountain pen?

Protecting Fountain Pen Nibs

  1. Choose Solid Gold Nibs.
  2. Cap Your Pens – Or Use Pen Pillows or Racks.
  3. Use A Light Touch While Writing.
  4. Use Safe Inks.
  5. Use Quality Papers and Notebooks.
  6. Caution To Do-It-Yourselfers.

Does fountain pen ink spoil?

Fountain pen ink rarely expires. Some manufacturers do give an expire date, which is a best before guarantee. You can recognize bad ink from slime, mould, or a bad smell. There is a trend, however, that might result in your new inks not lasting as long as bottles that are decades old already.