
Is first off proper English?

Is first off proper English?

“First off” is perfectly correct, and very common. When you are starting a series of statements, “first off” is a little different from simply saying “first”– it implies that there is a fair amount to come.

Is the phrase first off?

1. A phrase used to introduce the first topic one wants to address. I do want to hear about your day, but first off, let me tell you what the wedding planner had to say.

What can I say instead of first off?

synonyms for first off

  • first of all.
  • first thing.
  • firstly.
  • foremost.
  • immediately.
  • in the first place.
  • primo.
  • up front.

How do you use first off?

You use first off to introduce the first of a number of things that you want to say. First off, huge apologies for last month’s confusing report.

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Is First off rude?

3 Answers. It is no ruder or more courteous than ‘First’ or ‘To begin with’ or ‘In the first place’ or ‘Let me start by saying’. They are all perhaps a little abrupt. It doesn’t really matter which you use.

Is first off academic?

First off, the phrase “first off all” blends two common transitional phrases: “first of all” and “first off”. Second of all, “first of all” has issues unrelated to this question. Third of all, only “first off” might be considered informal for academic writing.

Is there a comma after first off?

When we write sequence words like first, next, then, or last, we put a comma after those words. say: After each sequence word in these sentences, the writer used a comma to set off the sequence words.

Is it first things first or first thing first?

You say ‘first things first’ when you are talking about something that should be done or dealt with before anything else because it is the most important.

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Is first or firstly correct?

Even though they are both adverbs, ‘first’ and ‘firstly’ are hardly interchangeable in all situations: we never say “I firstly noticed it yesterday.” One might say “firstly, what are you doing in my home?” or “firstly, I hope you have insurance”—but if you want to avoid criticism, ‘first’ is the best bet for most …

How do you use initially in a sentence?

Initially sentence example

  1. Let one jar be initially FIG.
  2. Steel bars separated us initially , until it was clear she had no desire to harm me.
  3. He cursed the talent that initially drew him to her, forced to wait for the fog to clear.
  4. Again, consider the point of the solid which was initially at A in the figure.

Where did the phrase first things first come from?

important matters should be attended to before anything else. First Things First was the title of a book by George Jackson , subtitled ‘Addresses to young men’ ( 1894 ).