
What does 95 percent compaction mean?

What does 95 percent compaction mean?

95 percent compaction means that the soil has been compacted to 95 percent of the possible density of the soil through compactive efforts. Maximum dry density, along with optimum moisture content, is determined in the laboratory and provides the target for field compaction.

What is a Modified Proctor Test?

Modified Proctor Test is performed to know the characteristics of soil through compaction with change in water content ultimately giving us the relation between soil moisture content and dry density of soil. It is a modified version of the Standard Proctor Test.

What is the difference between a proctor and a modified Proctor?

Standard Proctor Vs Modified Proctor In Standard Proctor test soil sample is compacted in 3 layers whereas in the Modified Proctor Test soil sample is compacted in 5 layers. A higher value of dry density is obtained in the Modified Proctor test as compared to the Standard Proctor test.

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What is the difference between standard and modified Proctor?

The main difference in the two tests are that the standard Proctor test uses a 5.5-lb hammer dropping a distance of 12 in, whereas the modified Proctor uses a 10-lb hammer dropping 18 in. The difference is to simulate either light rollers or tamping for the standard Proctor, and heavy rollers for the modified Proctor.

What is the difference between standard and modified Proctor test?

What is the difference between standard and modified Proctor compaction testing?

What is difference between standard Proctor and Modified Proctor test?

When Is Modified Proctor test used?

Modified Proctor is best suited for Air Field Runways, Highways, Swimming Pools or soils which are susceptible to High Dynamic Loads or very high Static Loads. For Soils that are not susceptible to high loading like Pavements, Standard Proctor should be fine.

What is the difference between standard Proctor test and modified Proctor test?

When do you use modified Proctor?