
What is the Sike?

What is the Sike?

Definition of sike 1 dialectal, chiefly British : a small stream especially : one that dries up in summer. 2 dialectal, chiefly British : ditch.

Is Sike a psych?

Everyone knows of the slang term “sike” (or psych), basically meaning “I tricked you.” (More or less.) However, it seems that the technically correct spelling is, in fact, “psych.” Coming from “to psych someone out.” This makes sense since most words with “psy-” or “psych-” have to do with the mind, or the psyche.

What’s the difference between psych and Sike?

is that sike is (slang) indicating that one’s preceding statement was false and that one has successfully fooled (“psyched out”) one’s interlocutor while psych is (slang) indicating that one’s preceding statement was false and that one has successfully fooled one’s interlocutor also sike .

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What does my psyche mean?

In psychology, your psyche is your mind and your deepest feelings and attitudes. [technical] His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche. Synonyms: soul, mind, self, spirit More Synonyms of psyche.

What is a CYKE?

CYKE. Cyber Knife (gaming clan)

Can you not psych yourself out?

To psychologically manipulate or intimidate someone or oneself with the result of undermining performance or confidence. The boxer is notorious for the obnoxious and belittling taunts he uses to psych out his opponents. I got so nervous before starting the driving test that I think I just psyched myself out.

How do you use psyche?

Psyche in a Sentence 🔉

  1. When the old man lost his job to a college graduate, his psyche took a devastating blow.
  2. It was the psychiatrist’s job to understand the psyche of the killer.
  3. Once the fear of dogs invaded my psyche, I became scared whenever I heard a barking sound.
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How is psyche used today?

Psyche can be used as a verb, “to psyche out,” as a past participle, “to be psyched out,” or as a noun, “Psyche class was really boring today.” The slang word “Psyche” is most frequently used to be negative. People often use the word in this way, such as, “She psyched me out!”