
Why did Edward bite Bella when she died?

Why did Edward bite Bella when she died?

Renesmee even though she was a infant she was very smart a knew that her mother “Bella” was dying, & needed Edward’s venom, she bit Bella”her mom” to snap her out of the moment of seeing her newborn ‘Renesmee ” so she could get the much needed venom from Edward, so she’d have a fighting chance of living.

What happened to Bella when James bit her?

James was in the process of recording the video when, in response to Bella’s cry to Edward not to hunt James, he threw her backwards against a broken mirror. A shard of glass sliced open Bella’s scalp, and she began to bleed heavily; smelling the blood, James could no longer control his appetite.

Why does Edward bite Bella all over?

Bella eventually became a vampire in Breaking Dawn (in the Twilight Saga, her transformation happened right at the end of Breaking Dawn – Part 1), where after giving birth to her and Edward’s hybrid child, Renesmee, Edward injected her heart with his own venom and bit her in several places in order to save her, as the …

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Why does it hurt Bella when Edward kisses her?

“I was used to the way that scent made me feel — the dry ache in my throat….the excess flow of venom in my mouth.” Edward is talking about his reaction when he smells a human. So every time him and Bella are close, he would smell her, ESPECIALLY when they’re kissing or whatever.

Why did James go after Bella in Twilight?

He wanted her because her scent was very intoxicating to him, like Bella’s is to Edward. For revenge, James murdered Alice’s creator, causing Alice to be alone. He wanted to see if she could survive on her own, and maybe someday find her again and then finish her off.

Does Edward ever bite Bella?

In Twilight, the first book, Edward does not bite Bella except for when he sucks the venom out of her from James’ bite. Edward does not wish to turn her, whereas Bella wishes to become a vampire. Edward even offers her a deal, that he will be the one to turn her as she wishes, only if she will marry him.

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Why did Jacob imprint on a baby?

Jacob is furious, believing that Bella had died giving birth, and goes to destroy the “monster” that killed her, but the moment they look into each other’s eyes, he imprints on her. Jacob describes it as losing his connection to everything else, and the connection to Renesmee is the only one that matters now.

Does Edward eat Bella?

So we’re a bit distressed to hear that our girl Kristen gets chewed up – literally! – in “Breaking Dawn – Part 1.” When we heard that Robert Pattinson’s Edward is forced to quite literally chew a fetus out of Bella when a scalpel can’t penetrate the placenta, we freaked out a little bit.

Does Bella cheat on Edward?

She didn’t betray Edward. After Edward LEFT her, she became friends with Jacob and during that time feelings grew. If you remember at one point Charlie says something along the lines of “maybe its Ok to love what’s good for you” and he was talking about Jacob.