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Are Virgo attracted to Libra?

Are Virgo attracted to Libra?

And no, opposites don’t always attract. Libras and Virgos do share some qualities in common. Both conversationally-gifted signs love to talk (sometimes too much), and when they get together, these two tend to admire each other’s intellect and desire for balance in all things.

Why are people so obsessed with Libras?

People gravitate towards Libras because they feel better when they are around them. They are truly diamonds in the rough. It’s not about the superficial for the Libra. Libras do love fine things and have beautiful taste, but when it comes to matters of love, they look deep into the soul of a person.

Can a Libra marry a Virgo?

Virgo and Libra may have an extremely fulfilling psychological connection if they respect each other’s feelings. With appropriate time and care, this partnership can work in general. Libra and libra do not make a good pair but they can make their marriage last once they get committed.

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Why can’t Libra and Virgo go?

Libras can get along with most signs, but their worst match would probably be Virgo. Libras are flighty and fickle, and that’s one thing Virgos can’t tolerate. It may look fun at first, but Libras waste a lot of time, and Virgo is about efficiency. Libras are constantly being pulled in different directions by others.

Can Virgos and Libras be friends?

Virgo and Libra Compatibility: Friendship Nonetheless, these signs are likely to form an important intellectual bond. Libra and Virgo both avoid confrontation…even though they’re both good at communication. Virgo can be too finicky or Libra can be too controlling–they just need to respect each other’s differences.

Where do Libras like to be kissed?

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Flutter-Kissers Despite their reputation for being highly erotic, Libras are shy kissers. They like to go for the butterfly kisses where your eyelashes touch together.

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Can a Virgo marry a Libra?

Is Virgo and Libra a bad match?

Libras can get along with most signs, but their worst match would probably be Virgo. Libras are flighty and fickle, and that’s one thing Virgos can’t tolerate. It may look fun at first, but Libras waste a lot of time, and Virgo is about efficiency. And Virgo is way too critical for Libra.

Why are Libras and Virgos different?

Virgos and Libras are most dissimilar when it comes to their views on structure. Libras are extremely go with the flow while Virgos need specific rules set in place in order for them to operate. Libras will approach a project with creativity, excited to see what direction the project will take them in.

Can Libra and Virgo be soulmates?

Overall, Virgo and Libra are considered to be an OK match. They’re different personality-wise, so they’ll need to learn how to deal with each other’s quirks early on.