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Can INFJs be indecisive?

Can INFJs be indecisive?

INFJs often think everything through before moving forward, which can cause them to appear rather indecisive. They want to be sure about something, and will often analyze it for a while before proceeding.

Should Infj trust their intuition?

It is important for the INFJ to learn to trust in themselves and their intuition in order to feel like the best version of themselves. In order to truly rely on their intuition, the INFJ needs to connect with people who appreciate them. They also do best to learn more about themselves and what makes them who they are.

Is journalism a good career for Infj?

INFJs can often have certain elements of their natural personality which make for great journalism skills. They are usually great writers, with quite the wordsmith abilities. While there are some extraverted requirements of a journalism career, INFJs can often overcome these hurdles in order to do their job well.

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Are Infj wishy washy?

INFJs take an all-or-nothing approach to life. Although they may dabble in playing the field, INFJs are truly about quality over quantity and will become disinterested in anyone or anything they perceive as being fraudulent, scheming, or wishy-washy.

Can INFJ predict future?

1. “Seeing” into the future. Okay, so INFJs can’t really predict the future as if they were peering into a crystal ball — but our powers of prediction shouldn’t be underestimated. INFJs have an uncanny ability to read people and events, and very often, we can predict what will happen.

What personality type are most journalists?

The top personality traits of journalists are openness and extraversion. Journalists score highly on openness, which means they are usually curious, imaginative, and value variety.

Are INFJs often mistyped?

INFJs are most frequently mistyped as INFPs, ISFJs, or ENFJs, but even on occasion INTJs. There are many reasons why this occurs, most of all it comes from a lack of time invested into really uncovering the complexities of each type.