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Did urahara and Grimmjow die?

Did urahara and Grimmjow die?

The official status of Urahara is Unconfirmed. While the evidence seems to indicate that he died with Yoruichi and Grimmjow trapped in Askin’s Gift Ball, Kubo also gave them a way out. Nel was watching the battle from outside and later decides to attempt a rescue attempt.

Is Grimmjow alive at the end of bleach?

Grimmjow gets behind Askin and impales him through the chest with Pantera activated. He then crushes Askin’s heart as Kisuke thanks him. Askin survives the blow, shocking Grimmjow, and the Quincy expresses surprise that Grimmjow is still alive.

Is Nel dead?

She is soon healed by Orihime when Kenpachi Zaraki arrives to fight Tesra, then Nnoitra. Nel, after being left unconscious for a brief period of time, awakens and locks eyes with Nnoitra while saying his name as he dies, hinting that her memories are permanently restored.

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Will grimmjow come back?

So yes, Grimmjow is alive.

Where is Nel in bleach?

Hueco Mundo
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck is the former Tres (three) Espada. She is also known as Nel Tu, and she is a small, good-natured, childlike Arrancar. She lives in the desert of Hueco Mundo with her adoptive brothers and former Fracción, Dondochakka Birstanne and Pesche Guatiche, and their pet, Bawabawa.

Where is Nel in Bleach?

Why did Nell become a child?

However, Once Nel returned to her adult form, the battle turned to her favor and began brutally assaulting Nnoitra for harming Ichigo and Orhime with his foul trickery. She then released her Zanpakuto and easily defeated him, but the massive energy from her release caused her to return into a child.

Does Grimmjow become an ally?

Since Juhabach intends to destroy everything, including Hueco Mundo, Grimmjow became a tentative ally with Ichigo and his friends to save the world and so he can fight Ichigo once its over.

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Why is Nel Tu a child?

Did Nnoitra defeat Nel?

Tesra demands Orihime to not move and get in Nnoitra’s way. He further states that Nel is an obstacle that must be defeated by Nnoitra only. Nelliel defeats Nnoitra Nnoitra recalls how when Nel was still a member of the Espada, he regularly fought with her, and would usually be easily dispatched by her.