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How do I file a complaint against PlayStation Network?

How do I file a complaint against PlayStation Network?

Visit PlayStation.com and select Sign In from the top right of the page. Navigate to the content you would like to report and select More Options > Report.

Can you get refund on PlayStation Plus?

A subscription includes any purchase of a service with recurring fees from PlayStation Store, such as PlayStation®Plus. After purchasing a subscription through PlayStation Store, you have 14 days to request a refund. However, we may reduce your refund amount based on how much you have used the service.

What happens when you get reported on PS4?

When you report the player and Playstation takes action against them it will either temporarily or permanently remove the person from the platform and will hopefully cause them to change their ways. You can watch the profile to see if it is banned but you will never hear anything official from Playstation.

How many times do you have to get reported to get banned on PS4?

How many times do you have to get reported to get banned on PS4? You may only be reported one, or you may have to be reported 20 times. Once you are reported, it is up to PlayStation to decide how bad of an offence you committed, and if it is bad enough for you to be banned.

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How long do Sony bans last?

If your PlayStation account was banned by Sony, it can be banned anywhere from 7 days to indefinitely. You should have received an email from Playstation letting you know exactly how long it has been banned for along with other details.

Does PlayStation support have an email?

Send an email for an official response to [email protected]. Include your account information, name, and a short description of your message in the email subject line so PlayStation support can reference it easily.

How do I get a refund on PS4 2020?

How to request a refund on a PS4 or PS5 game

  1. Go to playstation.com/en-us/support/store/ps-store-refund-request/.
  2. Select Request Refund.
  3. If you were the owner of the account that was charged, select Yes in the chat window that opens up.
  4. Select why you’d like a refund.
  5. Select why you’re returning the game.

How many reports does it take to get banned on PS4?

You may only be reported one, or you may have to be reported 20 times. Once you are reported, it is up to PlayStation to decide how bad of an offence you committed, and if it is bad enough for you to be banned. Most of the time you will not be banned the first time as they try to show some leniency.

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How do I get my PS4 unbanned?

Try signing in on a different PlayStation 4 or a browser from your phone or computer. If you can sign in there, but not your console, the issue may be with your PlayStation and not your account. Give PlayStation a call at 1-800-345-7669.
