Popular lifehacks

What is NSM Linux?

What is NSM Linux?

Nift (or nsm) is a cross-platform open source git-like and LaTeX-like command-line dynamic and static site generator.

What is NFS Lock service?

The nfslock daemon provides the ability to lock regions of NFS files. It is run only on an NFS server; NFS clients do not need to run this service. This service runs the daemon /sbin/rpc. lockd.

How restart NFS service in Linux?

Redhat / RHEL / CentOS Linux: Start / Stop / Restart NFS Service…

  1. Start / Stop / Restart portmap Service under RHEL. Type the following commands:
  2. Start / Stop / Restart NFS Service under RHEL / CentOS Linux. Type the following commands:
  3. Automatically Start the NFS Server.

How do I know if NFS is enabled?

Verifying that NFS is running (Linux and UNIX)

  1. AIX® operating systems: Type the following command on each computer: lssrc -g nfs The Status field for NFS processes should indicate active .
  2. Linux® operating systems: Type the following command on each computer: showmount -e hostname.
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How do I start NFS client on Linux?

Configuring NFS server

  1. Install the required nfs packages if not already installed on the server : # rpm -qa | grep nfs-utils.
  2. Enable the services at boot time:
  3. Start the NFS services:
  4. Check the status of NFS service:
  5. Create a shared directory:
  6. Export the directory.
  7. Exporting the share :
  8. Restart the NFS service:

What is the use of NFS server?

NFS is an Internet Standard, client/server protocol developed in 1984 by Sun Microsystems to support shared, originally stateless, (file) data access to LAN-attached network storage. As such, NFS enables a client to view, store, and update files on a remote computer as if they were locally stored.

What is NFS client?

How does NFS client work?

The NFS server sends the client a file handle after the client is authorized to access the shared volume. This file handle is an opaque object stored on the server’s side and is passed along with RPC requests from the client. The NFS server can be restarted without affecting the clients and the cookie remains intact.

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Why is SMB used?

The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol is a network file sharing protocol that allows applications on a computer to read and write to files and to request services from server programs in a computer network. The SMB protocol can be used on top of its TCP/IP protocol or other network protocols.