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Which is correct on and off or off and on?

Which is correct on and off or off and on?

1 Answer. They are interchangeable, and this ngram view suggests that on and off is currently about three times as common as off and on. Off and on was a bit more common before the beginning of the 20th century.

How do you tell the difference between off and on?

Of is a preposition that indicates relationships between other words, such as belonging, things made of other things, things that contain other things, or a point of reckoning. Off is usually used as an adverb or a preposition. In both cases, it indicates separation or disconnection.

Is it correct grammar to say off of?

Sure! The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.) says: “The compound preposition off of is generally regarded as informal and is best avoided in formal speech and writing: He stepped off (not off of) the platform.”

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What is the idioms of off and on?

Definition of ‘on and off’ If something happens on and off, or off and on, it happens occasionally, or only for part of a period of time, not in a regular or continuous way. I was still working on and off as a waitress to support myself.

Should off and on be hyphenated?

Note that phrases beginning with off or on that serve to modify a noun are hyphenated before it, as in “off-the-cuff remarks” and “on-the-job injuries.” Treatment after the noun varies, however, according to whether the phrase is permanent or temporary.

Is it 2 of or 2 off?

Yes this use of off is normal and accepted usage. However, it is almost entirely encountered in technical or contractual documents – particularly purchase orders. It is not commonly encountered in normal speech. You do occasionally come across the cumbersome “I need two off of those cables”.

Where do we use off preposition?

Off is used to show disconnection from a person, place or object, i.e. away from someone or something. Generally, we use off after verbs, making it phrasal verbs, such as turn off, call off, put off, take off, go off, runoff, drive off and so forth.

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What is wrong with off of?

Many grammar experts maintain that “off of” is always wrong but I think that is a rule that is made to be broken, at least occasionally. The most common arguments against “off of” are that “of” is unnecessary and that two prepositions should never be placed side-by-side.

What does on and off with someone mean?

According to the study, on-and-off relationships are characterized as relationships that take on a cyclical form or pattern, which includes a making up, then breaking up, and then making up again. This leaves you both running around in circles chasing each other.

How do you use on and off in a sentence?

Example sentences

  1. — The electricity has been off and on for the past five hours since the storm hit.
  2. — My boyfriend and I were dating off and on for five years but this time it’s over and we’re never getting back together.