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Which Pokemon is the tallest?

Which Pokemon is the tallest?


Is Shadow Lugia a real Pokemon?

This Pokémon is fully evolved. Shadow Lugia (Japanese: ダークルギア Dark Lugia), codenamed XD001, is a Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. As a sign of this corruption, its appearance is different from that of a normal Lugia, unlike other Shadow Pokémon who appear normal but possess a shadowy aura.

Is Lugia a boy or a girl?

As it turns out, Lugia is not meant to be male or female. When it comes down to its, writer Takeshi Shudo created Lugia to be both genders and act as a bridge between two diametric labels.

Does Lugia have a kid?

Silver is a baby Lugia that Oliver found after it had wandered away from its parent. Ash, his friends, and Ritchie all teamed up to free Silver and its parent.

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How tall is kyogre?

14′ 9″

Did lugia create the legendary birds?

Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres answer to no Pokémon other than their trio master, Lugia. For that reason, Lugia is created superior to all three birds and is assigned as the guardian of the sea.

Can Lugia mega evolve?

Legendary Pokémon in Competitive Battles With odd legendary forms like Ultra Necrozma, White Kyreum, and Shadow Lugia, what does and doesn’t constitute a mega evolution is often debatable. Thankfully, this doesn’t usually muddle competitive arenas thanks to their general ban on legendaries, mega or otherwise.

Is Ho Oh a legendary Pokémon?

Ho-Oh is a legendary Fire and Flying-type Pokemon with a max CP of 4367, 239 attack, 244 defence and 214 stamina in Pokemon GO. It was originally found in the Johto region (Gen 2). Ho-Oh is vulnerable to Electric, Rock and Water-type moves.

Is Lugia legendary or mythical?

Considered a legendary Pokémon within the setting of the games, Lugia is characterized as the “Diving Pokémon” in the Pokédex and the latter states that Lugia is known as “The Guardian of the Sea”. It has been more often compared to a dragon, bird, wyvern or sea monster, 1UP.com calling it a “sleek, draconic creature”.