
How do you fix a dead PS3 controller?

How do you fix a dead PS3 controller?

You will need to attach a USB cable to the PS3 and the other end to the controller for them to sync up properly again. The other side of this, it’s that the batteries in the PS3 controller have potentially degraded to the point where they will no longer hold a charge.

How long does it take for a dead PS3 controller to turn on?

Apprentice. From my experience it can take about 15 to 20 minutes, from completely dead to fully charge but as Lunar Chaos had said it can also depend on how long you have used the controller. Mine has been used since the UK launch.

How do I turn on my PS3 controller?

Push the PlayStation button in the middle of the controller to turn it on. Wait for the lights on the controller to stop flashing. Once the lights have stopped flashing, unplug the mini USB cable from the controller. Your PS3 controller is now ready to use.

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How long do PS3 Controllers hold a charge?

The PS3 gamepad/controller takes two hours to fully charge. The charge will hold for about 2 weeks, with a daily average use of approximately 2 hours.

How long does it take for a PS3 controller to charge?

In order for your PS3 controller to charge, the system must be turned on. How long does it take to fully charge a dead ps3 controller? About two hours to fully charge.

How long does it take for a dead PS3 controller to charge?

How long does it take to fully charge a dead ps3 controller? About two hours to fully charge.

How much does a PS3 controller cost?

PriceCharting Index: Playstation 3

Title Loose Price New Price
Dualshock 3 Controller Pink $29.97 $49.66
Dualshock 3 Controller MLB 11 Edition $32.79 $99.93
Dualshock 3 Controller White $28.58 $48.14
Dualshock 3 Controller Silver $27.40 $65.00

Can I use my phone as a PlayStation 3 controller?

Thanks to an app that turns an Android phone into a more universal Bluetooth device, it is possible to control a PS3 with your Android phone as though it were a Bluetooth remote control. BlueputDroid isthe first app to allow a smartphone to pair up with the PS3 as an input device.

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What controllers work on a PS3?

PlayStation 4 controllers will work with a PlayStation 3 console, and when you use a wired connection, there is no setup involved. You can also pair a PS4 controller to a PS3 for a wireless connection, though the process of connecting the two devices is more involved.