
How do you hide files on Mac search?

How do you hide files on Mac search?

Just follow these steps to do this:

  1. Open System Preferences on your Mac.
  2. Click on Spotlight.
  3. In the Search Results tab you’ll see a list of categories.
  4. Uncheck the box next to the category that you want hidden from Spotlight’s search results.

How do I delete mail from Finder on Mac?

Here’s how to use it.

  1. Click on the Apple menu and choose About this Mac.
  2. Choose the Storage tab and then press Manage.
  3. Click on Mail in the left hand sidebar. Underneath, you’ll see how much space attachments are currently occupying.
  4. Select attachments and press Delete.

How do I stop Outlook from saving emails locally Mac?

To stop Microsoft Outlook from saving a copy of your sent emails, open File > Options. In the “Mail” tab, scroll down to the “Save Messages” section and uncheck “Save copies of messages in the Sent Items folder.” Now click “OK” in the bottom-right of the “Options” window.

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How do I improve the search on my Mac?

The following are some search techniques for you to improve file search on macOS….Set it to default to your current folder instead for more precise searches.

  1. Open Finder’s preferences under the Finder menu.
  2. Click on the “Advanced” tab.
  3. Change the dropdown box to “Search the Current Folder” to limit your searches.

How do I hide files on my Mac Home screen?

With Finder Open a Finder window and press Command + Shift + Period . This will reveal all hidden files. 2. Hide files again by pressing the same key command: Command + Shift + Period .

How do I delete attachments in Outlook for Mac?

Start with the first message, click on it and then click on the arrow next to the attachment. Choose “Remove” then confirm by pressing “Delete” when the dialog box opens.

How do I turn off inline attachments in Mail app?

How to Disable Inline Attachments in Mail. app

  1. Quit the Mail application, if it is currently open.
  2. Open the Terminal application. (You can find it in Applications → Utilities.)
  3. Enter the following command: defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes.
  4. Open the Mail application.
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Why is Outlook taking up so much space on Mac?

Outlook for Mac is ‘sync all’ software. The result can be many gigabytes used on a relatively small drive. Outlook for Mac saves messages and attachments in many different files. That’s another reason why Outlook for Mac occupies so much disk space.

How do I remove Outlook from my Mac?

How do I remove “On my computer”? This one is easy: Go to Outlook menu, Preferences, General and tick Hide On My Computers. This will remove it from the view.

What does Mac Finder do?

The Finder is the first thing that you see when your Mac finishes starting up. It uses windows and icons to show you the contents of your Mac, iCloud Drive, and other storage devices. It’s called the Finder because it helps you to find and organize your files.

How do I reindex Outlook for Mac?

Outlook Search Repair

  1. Choose Apple menu, then System Preferences, and then Spotlight.
  2. Select the Privacy tab.
  3. In Finder: On the Go menu, select Go to Folder….
  4. Drag the “Main Profile” folder to the Privacy tab. Once added, remove the folder from the Privacy tab, and Spotlight will re-index the folder.