
Where does the NEA spend its money?

Where does the NEA spend its money?

Our funding is project-based and goes to thousands of nonprofits each year, along with partnerships and special arts initiatives, research and other support that contribute to the vitality of our neighborhoods, students and schools, workplace and culture.

How much does the president of the NEA make?

Leaders, Employees, and Salaries

Name Title Gross Salary

What has the NEA done?

Other Issues. NEA has taken positions on issues both directly and indirectly related to education. It has supported public child nutrition programs, offered qualified support for the Common Core State Standards, and opposes voucher legislation.

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What does the NEA do for its members?

The NEA at the national level lobbies Congress and federal agencies on behalf of its members. They also work with other education organizations, provide training and assistance, and conduct activities conducive to their policies.

How much does it cost to join the NEA?

Add $189 to each one to account for the NEA national dues. There are roughly 13,000 local affiliates and their dues vary so widely – from zero to a lot – it’s impossible to gather them all. That’s an average state dues level of $424.36. Include NEA dues and your average NEA member is paying $613.36 plus local dues.

Who is in charge of the NEA?

Becky Pringle is the NEA’s current president. As per the NEA website: “Our mission is to advocate for education professionals and to unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world.”

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How much do UniServ directors make?

The highest salary for an UniServ Director in United States is $177,624 per year. The lowest salary for an UniServ Director in United States is $45,808 per year.

How much are NEA dues in Missouri?

NEA/MNEA dues for first-time members are $219 for certified staff and $139 for non-certified staff, plus local dues, if applicable. Call MNEA at 1-800-392-0236 to have a form mailed to you.

How much are NEA dues in Virginia?

Annual membership dues to the NEA include $5.95 for NEA Today, $3.40 for NEA-Retired and/or $6.58 for the Higher Education publications. The NEA publication(s) received by members are based on membership category. Annual membership due to VEA include a subscription to the Virginia Journal of Education.

How many members make up the NEA?

Our 3 million members bring their experiences working at every level of education to shape our organization and impact.