
How do you use I digress?

How do you use I digress?

Digress is a verb. To digress means to temporarily wander or stray from your original plan or thought. You use ‘digress’ in a sentence (in both speaking and writing) to tell the listener or reader that you’ve left your topic but are trying to get back to it. ‘Digress’ is not often used, as it sounds formal.

Who said I digress?

TS Eliot made “but I digress” a common idiom in the English language, in my opinion. In “The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock, the poet muses, “Is it perfume from a dress, that makes me so digress?” In fact, the whole poem is one digression after another.

Is I digress a full sentence?

The conjunction but generally introduces a subordinate clause, which is usually placed last in a sentence. However, “But I digress” is often written as a stand-alone sentence, for emphasis, and to allow a dramatic pause after the previous sentence, the digression, to give us a moment to remember the original premise.

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How is digress used in simple sentences?

Digress Sentence Examples

  1. He let the conversation digress into endless discussions about “character.”
  2. Let me digress a bit to let the ink dry.
  3. In order to disillusion anyone who may think that my position was a sinecure, I shall now digress.
  4. I need to digress for a moment here.

What is digress synonym?

Some common synonyms of digress are depart, deviate, diverge, swerve, and veer. While all these words mean “to turn aside from a straight course,” digress applies to a departing from the subject of one’s discourse. a professor prone to digress.

What does it mean to say I digress?

Full Definition of digress intransitive verb. : to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument.

What is an example of digress?

To turn aside; esp., to depart temporarily from the main subject in talking or writing. Digress is defined as to go off topic when speaking or writing. An example of digress is when you are writing a paper about causes of crime and you start to instead write long paragraphs about defenses to crimes.

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Does digress mean going backwards?

The simplest answer is that they are trying to steer things back towards the starting destination. As a result, when someone says, “but I digress,” what they are basically saying is “We’ve gotten way off topic here, and I want to circle back to the original topic.”

What is a synonym and antonym for digress?

verb. ( daɪˈgrɛs) Lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking. Antonyms. arrive stay take office come enter. wander tell divagate.