
What do the bird and cage mean in BioShock Infinite?

What do the bird and cage mean in BioShock Infinite?

The difference between the bird or cage pendant in Bioshock Infinite is simply what Elizabeth wears. She’ll wear the bird around her neck if you choose that pendant just like she’ll wear the cage if you instead opt for that one.

Does it matter if you choose the bird or the cage BioShock Infinite?

Should I Choose the Bird or the Cage? The honest truth is that it doesn’t really matter, at least not in terms of gameplay, with more of a symbolic impact than anything mechanical.

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What is the bird in BioShock Infinite?

Songbird is a giant metallic bird-like creature that has been Elizabeth’s caretaker and only friend for twelve years. Despite Songbird being robotic in nature, Songbird feels a sense of betrayal by Elizabeth’s need and ongoing attempts to escape Columbia with Booker DeWitt.

Is there multiple endings to BioShock Infinite?

There are no lasting differences in the game’s ending because the story is destined to end the same way regardless. One player will progress through the game in broadly the same way as another and the end result will always be the same.

What does the caged bird represent?

Angelou uses the metaphor of a bird struggling to escape its cage, described in Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem, as a prominent symbol throughout her series of autobiographies. Like elements within a prison narrative, the caged bird represents Angelou’s confinement resulting from racism and oppression.

What happens if you throw the ball at the couple BioShock Infinite?

If Booker chooses to throw the ball at the duo, Flambeau appears instead and will offer Booker the piece of Gear with Fink’s compliments. If Booker chooses not to throw it before the timer runs out, neither will appear and the Gear will be inaccessible.

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Is Songbird a machine?

Much like the Big Daddy, the Songbird is a combination between a machine and a human. Songbird’s mechanical features are similar to that of the Big Daddy, with color-changing eyes to indicate its mood.

What’s inside a Big Daddy?

Big Daddies are heavily spliced (genetically engineered and altered with ADAM) human beings who have had their bodies directly grafted into heavily armored, steampunk-inspired atmospheric diving suits. They are armed with a rivet gun, heavy drill, rocket launcher, or ion laser.

Why did the Lutece twins help Booker?

Robert Lutece is a pioneer in the field of quantum physics, belonging to the same reality as a Booker DeWitt. Therefore, he tasked the Lutece twins to use their Tear machine to find him a child, which they did, bringing him Elizabeth.

Do Rapture and Columbia exist in the same universe?

It is revealed late into BioShock Infinite that the lighthouse Booker DeWitt enters to ascend to Columbia, just as Jack enters a lighthouse to descend to Rapture, is just one in a multiverse of linked realities. Rapture and Columbia are, in some sense, the same city.

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What do the two birds symbolize in Caged Bird?

The birds in “Caged Bird” can be seen as symbolizing two different racial groups. The caged bird, which has been forced to live its entire life in captivity, can be seen as representing the African American community, who suffer from race-based oppression.