
What is the difference between natural and artificial family planning methods?

What is the difference between natural and artificial family planning methods?

It is apparently a commonplace nowadays that there is no significant difference between natural Family Planning (NFP) and contraception through artificial means such as the pilL condoms. intrauterine devices. etc.; they are all methods for regulating conception.

What are the different natural family planning methods?

  • The five principal types of NFP are calendar calculation, basal body temperature charting, cervical mucus monitoring, the symptothermal method, and lactational amenorrhea4 (Table 1).
  • Identification of the fertile period is the central focus of most NFP methods.

What are the artificial ways of family planning?

Initially, the mechanisms and efficacies of six methods of artificial family planning will be presented. These include two hormonal methods (oral contraceptive pills and Depo-Provera), the intrauterine device, two barrier methods (the latex condom and the diaphragm), and sterilization (tubal ligation and vasectomy).

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What are the five different methods of family planning?

Contraception methods

  • long-acting reversible contraception – the implant or intra uterine device (IUD)
  • hormonal contraception – the pill or the Depo Provera injection.
  • barrier methods – condoms.
  • emergency contraception.
  • fertility awareness.
  • permanent contraception – vasectomy and tubal ligation.

What is natural method?

Natural methods of contraception are considered “natural” because they are not mechanical and not a result of hormone manipulation. Instead, these methods to prevent pregnancy require that a man and woman not have sexual intercourse during the time when an egg is available to be fertilized by a sperm.

What does artificial contraception mean?

Artificial methods in common use include preventing the sperm from reaching the ovum (using condoms, diaphragms, etc), inhibiting ovulation (using oral contraceptive pills), preventing implantation (using intrauterine devices), killing the sperm (using spermicides), and preventing the sperm from entering the seminal …

How many types of family planning methods are there?

Birth control methods vary far and wide. There’s a method for nearly every body and lifestyle. In fact, there are about 12 methods in total and counting. And those methods range from non-hormonal and hormonal to single use and long-lasting use.

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What is artificial contraception method?

What is the advantage of natural method of contraception?

Women and couples using NFP frequently cite advantages including: Increased self-awareness and knowledge of their fertility. Increased reliance on their own resources rather than a family planning program or other sources of contraception. Increased independence from costly or distant medical services.

What is artificial method?

What are the advantages of artificial family planning?

Safe in the majority of women. Efficacy for three years without further intervention. Easily removed in most cases to allow pregnancy to occur naturally. Independent of user memory or schedule, and of sexual intercourse, as it provides continuous contraception.