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What happens when copper is placed in a solution of silver nitrate?

What happens when copper is placed in a solution of silver nitrate?

Copper is more reactive than silver. Hence when copper wire is dipped in silver nitrate solution it displaces silver from silver nitrate (AgNO3 ) solution forming copper nitrate which is bluish green in color. This is a displacement reaction.

Why does copper reacts with silver nitrate but not with lead nitrate?

Displacement from solution If a metal and metal solution react, the more reactive metal will displace the less reactive metal from solution. If the metal in solution you start with is formed from a more reactive metal than the metal to be added, no reaction will occur.

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What happens to copper nitrate when heated?

When copper nitrate is heated in the test tube, it decomposes into copper oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen gas. So, we observe reddish-brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide that are emitted.

What happens when you put silver nitrate in water?

Silver nitrate is not only ionic, it is also highly soluble in water. Like all ionic compounds, when silver nitrate is dissolved in water, its molecules break apart into its constituent charged portions.

Is silver less reactive than copper?

Take copper sulphate solution in a test tube and place a silver few granule in it. After some time you observe that there is no change in the test tube, i.e., blue colour of copper sulphate does not fade away. This shows silver is less reactive than copper.

Is copper and silver nitrate a chemical change?

When a copper wire is introduced into an aqueous silver nitrate solution, a single replacement reaction occurs. This means that it loses electrons and forms copper ions. These ions replace the silver ions that are present in the aqueous silver nitrate solution to form a new compound: copper nitrate.

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When solid copper reacts with silver nitrate solution the products are copper II nitrate solution and silver metal?

This chemical equation means: One mole of solid copper plus two moles of aqueous silver nitrate produce one mole of copper(II) nitrate plus two moles of solid silver. This is a single replacement reaction in which the metal copper replaces the metal silver.

What happens when copper nitrate undergoes thermal decomposition?

Blue crystals of copper nitrate are heated, they undergo thermal decomposition to give black colored copper oxide, reddish brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide, and a colorless gas of oxygen.

What is copper nitrate used for?

Cupric Nitrate is a bluish-green, odorless crystalline (sand- like) material. It is used in ceramics, pyrotechnics, electronics, electroplating, insecticides, textile dyeing, pharmaceuticals, and light-sensitive papers.

When silver nitrate dissolves in water the temperature of the solution decreases?

The enthalpy of solution for AgNO3 is positive because the temperature of the solution decreases (the dissolution is endothermic).

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What is silver nitrate used for?

Silver nitrate is a natural compound that is used as an antiinfective agent. Silver nitrate topical (for use on the skin) is used to cauterize infected tissues around a skin wound. Silver nitrate can also help create a scab to help stop bleeding from a minor skin wound.
