
Is there any case that the angular momentum is conserved but the linear momentum is not conserved?

Is there any case that the angular momentum is conserved but the linear momentum is not conserved?

Linear momentum and angular momentum are conserved separately in general, and in a given system one can be conserved while the other is not.

Is linear momentum conserved if angular momentum is conserved?

Angular momentum is conserved when net external torque is zero, just as linear momentum is conserved when the net external force is zero.

What is an example of the conservation of angular momentum?

The classic example of this is a spinning ice skater or someone spinning in an office chair. By pulling in her arms, the skater decreases her moment of inertia (all her mass is closer to the middle), so her angular velocity has to increase in order to keep her angular momentum constant.

In what situations is angular momentum not conserved?

Angular momentum in a closed system is not conserved when there are external torques on the system. Angular momentum is conserved when net external torque acting on a body or system is zero.

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Can linear and angular momentum both be conserved?

Angular and linear momentum are not directly related, however, both are conserved. Linear momentum is an object’s tendency to continue in one direction. An object traveling in a given direction with a certain velocity will continue to do so until acted on by an external force (Newton’s 1st law of motion).

What is angular momentum in real life?

Let’s look at some examples of angular momentum in the real world. When quarterbacks throw the football, they impart a spin with their fingers, so that the ball spins rapidly as it flies through the air. Football fans call a good pass a tight spiral.

Is linear momentum conserved?

conservation of linear momentum, general law of physics according to which the quantity called momentum that characterizes motion never changes in an isolated collection of objects; that is, the total momentum of a system remains constant.