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Why is linear momentum of a planet not conserved?

Why is linear momentum of a planet not conserved?

If the particle experienced no force, it would have traveled in a straight path. But due to centripetal force it moves along a circle. Since an external force is acting on the body, linear momentum cannot be conserved.

Why is angular momentum conserved but translational momentum not conserved?

Angular and linear momentum are not directly related, however, both are conserved. Angular momentum is a measure of an object’s tendency to continue rotating. An object traveling in a given direction with a certain velocity will continue to do so until acted on by an external force (Newton’s 1st law of motion).

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Is linear momentum conserved for planets?

Linear momentum of a planet does not remain conserved.

Will angular momentum of a planet be conserved?

According to the laws of physics, angular Momentum is rotational force equal to liner momentum. In a planetary system, there is no external torque acting about the sun since the force of the sun and position vector are always at an angle of 180 degree hence the angular momentum is this case will be conserved.

Is the linear momentum of the Earth Sun system conserved as the Earth revolves around the Sun?

As the direction of the radial velocity of the planet changes, the linear momentum of the planet is not constant in the planetary system (refer figure below). Since there is no external force on the Sun+Planet system, so the total linear momentum of Sun+planet system is constant.

Why is angular momentum conserved in an orbit?

Because the only force acting on the satellite is the force of gravitational attraction which points directly toward the center of mass of the primary, the torque caused by this force equals zero, and therefore angular momentum of a satellite in elliptical orbit is conserved about the center of mass of the primary.

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Are linear and angular momentum separate?

The two conservation laws- linear and angular momentum- are absolutely separate. Neither one can be converted to the other.

Why is angular momentum conserved?

Angular momentum, like energy and linear momentum, is conserved. This universally applicable law is another sign of underlying unity in physical laws. Angular momentum is conserved when net external torque is zero, just as linear momentum is conserved when the net external force is zero.

Why angular momentum is conserved?

What is not conserved in the case of celestial bodies revolving around the sun *?

Answer: As the direction of the radial velocity of the planet changes, The linear momentum of planets is not constant in the planetary system( refer figure below). Since there is no external force on the Sun+planet system, so the total linear momentum of the Sun+planet remains constant.

What is not conserved in case of celestial bodies revolving around the sun?

When the celestial body is closest to the Sun, the speed of the body is large and when the body is away from the Sun, the speed of the body is less. So, the kinetic energy of the body keeps on changing.