
What is the general formula for alkanes alkenes and alkynes?

What is the general formula for alkanes alkenes and alkynes?

Alkanes have the general formula of CnH2n+2 where n is the number of carbon atoms. Alkenes have the general formula CnH2n. The general formula for alkynes is CnH2n-2.

What is the general equation for the combustion of alkanes?

hydrocarbon + oxygen → carbon monoxide + carbon + water The carbon is released as soot.

What is the general equation of combustion reaction?

The general equation for a complete combustion reaction is: Fuel + O2 → CO2 + H2O. The burning of charcoal is a combustion reaction.

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What are the products of burning alkanes?

Complete combustion of alkanes: When alkane is heated in the presence of sufficient air or dioxygen it forms carbon dioxide and water and enormous amount of heat energy is released.

What is the general formula for alkynes What does it mean?

Alkynes are hydrocarbons which contain carbon-carbon triple bonds. Their general formula is CnH2n-2 for molecules with one triple bond (and no rings). Alkynes undergo many of the same reactions as alkenes, but can react twice because of the presence of the two p-bonds in the triple bond.

How is the combustion of alkenes different to combustion of alkanes?

Alkenes combust, but they are less likely than alkanes to combust completely. Complete combustion of alkenes produces carbon dioxide and water, provided there is a plentiful supply of oxygen. Incomplete combustion of alkenes occurs where oxygen is limited and produces water, carbon monoxide and carbon (soot).

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What is the general formula for a double replacement reaction?

Summary. The double-replacement reaction generally takes the form of AB + CD → AD + CB where A and C are positively-charged cations, while B and D are negatively-charged anions.

What is the word equation for the burning of methane?

The combustion of methane is represented by the equation: CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O.

What is the general equation for incomplete combustion?

The equation for incomplete combustion of propane is: 2 C3H8 + 9 O2 → 4 CO2 + 2 CO + 8 H2O + Heat. If not enough oxygen is present for complete combustion, incomplete combustion occurs. The result of incomplete combustion is, once again, water vapour, carbon dioxide and heat. But it also produces carbon monoxide.

What is general formula of alkenes?

Alkenes are defined as either branched or unbranched hydrocarbons that possess at least one carbon–carbon double bond (CC) and have a general formula of CnH2n [1].