
What happens when a negative and negative charge touch?

What happens when a negative and negative charge touch?

When two negatively charged objects are brought near each other, a repulsive force is produced. When two positively charged objects are brought near each other, a similar repulsive force is produced. When a negatively charged object is brought near a positively charged object, an attractive force is produced.

What happens when two negative charges touch?

In contrast to the attractive force between two objects with opposite charges, two objects that are of like charge will repel each other. This repulsive force will push the two objects apart. Similarly, a negatively charged object will exert a repulsive force upon a second negatively charged object.

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What will happen if you move a negatively charged rod near a negatively charged balloon?

The presence of the negative charge will induce electron movement in the sphere. Since like charges repel, negative electrons within the metal sphere will be repelled by the negatively charged balloon.

What happens when 2 charges are brought in contact?

When two charged bodies touch each other or when they are connected with each other through a conducting wire, the charges flow between the bodies until the bodies have equal potential, i.e., the potentials of the two bodies become equal.

What will happen if a negatively charged rod is brought close to a small plastic ball if the ball is positively charged?

If a negatively charged plastic rod is brought near to another negatively charged rod, the rods will move apart as they repel each other. If a positively charged rod is brought close to a negatively charged rod, the rods will pull together as they attract each other.

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What happens if the negatively charged balloon is brought near the two cans?

When a charged balloon is brought near a conducting can, the electrons are pushed to the far side of the can. If another object touches the side of the can opposite the balloon, electrons flow into the other object, leaving the can positively charged.