
What is the ingredient used for darkening the rum?

What is the ingredient used for darkening the rum?

It is common for caramel to be added to aged rums to ‘correct’ the colour, and lets be honest, often to darken the colour so potentially giving the rum an older appearance. Conversely, some aged rums are charcoal filtered to remove any colour and are bottled completely clear.

What is the difference between dark rum and black rum?

Light rum is also known as white or silver rum and has nearly no color and a light flavor. Black rum is also known as dark rum and has been aged the longest of any of these types of rum. The extended time it spends in wooden casks gives it a dark color and deep, smoky-sweet flavor.

What is dark rum?

What is dark rum? A dark rum is one that has been barrel-aged, typically for a longer period than its golden and white counterparts. We’ve been taking a long look at dark rum, a spirit category fast catching up with whisky in terms of prestige.

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Is rum made from blackstrap molasses?

The base is a relatively light-bodied two-year-old rum, Nelthropp explains—and yes, it’s distilled in part from blackstrap molasses, which “contains nutrients that help with fermentation.” The finished rum is later flavored to evoke the character of molasses, though he sees the overall profile as closer to luscious …

What does dark rum look like?

The term “dark rum” doesn’t have a legal definition, but it generally refers to rum that is dark brown in appearance due to aging or the addition of molasses or caramel coloring.

Is there a dark rum?

There are not a lot of rules about what makes rum dark. People use the term to describe any rum with a dark brown color. The color can come from the addition of molasses or the aging process. Since dark rum gets its name from the appearance of the liquor, you can find a lot of different flavor notes in dark rum.

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Is Kraken a black strap rum?

“You might as well say ‘molasses rum. So if rums like Cruzan Black Strap, Bacardi Black and Kraken Black aren’t blackstrap—what are they? Short answer: they’re black rums.