
How do you replace text in a text File in Python?

How do you replace text in a text File in Python?

Python Program to Replace Text in a File

  1. Method 1: Removing all text and write new text in the same file.
  2. Method 2: Using Replace function in for loop.
  3. Method 3: Using the OS module to replace the file with new text.
  4. Method 4: Using fileinput. input()

How do you replace a word in Python?

To replace a string in File using Python, follow these steps: Open input file in read mode and handle it in text mode. Open output file in write mode and handle it in text mode. For each line read from input file, replace the string and write to output file.

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Can Python edit Word documents?

Python can create and modify Word documents, which have the . docx file extension, with the python-docx module. You can install the module by running pip install python-docx .

How do I use python in a Word document?

Python | Working with . docx module

  1. The first step is to install this third-party module python-docx. You can use pip “pip install python-docx” or download the tarball from here.
  2. After installation import “docx” NOT “python-docx”.
  3. Use “docx. Document” class to start working with the word document.

How do I replace a word in a text file?

Find and replace text

  1. Go to Home > Replace or press Ctrl+H.
  2. Enter the word or phrase you want to locate in the Find box.
  3. Enter your new text in the Replace box.
  4. Select Find Next until you come to the word you want to update.
  5. Choose Replace. To update all instances at once, choose Replace All.

How do you search and replace multiple text in Python?

This article describes how to replace strings in Python.

  1. Replace substrings: replace() Specify the maximum count of replacements: count.
  2. Replace multiple different characters: translate()
  3. Replace with regular expression: re.sub() , re.subn() Replace multiple substrings with the same string.
  4. Replace by position: slice.
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How do you edit text in a PDF in Python?

read your PDF using PdfFileReader() , we’ll call this input. create a new pdf containing your text to add using ReportLab, save this as a string object. read the string object using PdfFileReader() , we’ll call this text. create a new PDF object using PdfFileWriter() , we’ll call this output.

How do you write text in a PDF using Python?


  1. Import the class FPDF from module fpdf.
  2. Add a page.
  3. Set the font.
  4. Insert a cell and provide the text.
  5. Save the pdf with “. pdf” extencsion.

What is Python docx?

python-docx is a Python library for creating and updating Microsoft Word (. docx) files.