
How do I cite in logos?

How do I cite in logos?

For your Works Cited page, give the following info: Artist/owner name, title of image in italics — give it a descriptive title if no title exists — original publication year, webpage that it is from, Web, date you accessed it. Example: Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola Logo.

Can you cite a copyrighted logo?

2 Answers. If you are using simply using the logos in place of the company name, there is no reason to cite them since you would not cite a company name. If you are intending on publishing the work, the publisher may want to see a signed release from the copyright and/or trademark holder.

How do you Harvard reference a logo?

Include in the text: the artist, the title of the work and other identifying factors. Provide an in-text citation for where you saw the work….The basics of a Reference List entry for an image:

  1. Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
  2. Year.
  3. Title (in italics).
  4. Publisher.
  5. Place of publication.
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How do I search the Logos library?

Enter a search in the Inline Search box. As you type, Logos will provide a drop-down list of suggested queries. When you’ve finished entering your search, press Enter on your keyboard. The active resource displays your search results.

Is logos illegal to use?

Permission to Use Logo Agreement The United States trademark law as stated in the Lanham Act allows a non-owner of a registered trademark to make “fair use” of it without permission. This means that using someone else’s logo without permission, even if it’s unregistered, is against the law.

Can I use logos on my website?

Logos: The General Rule The general rule is do not assume you are permitted to use another company’s or person’s logo. Third parties are advised not to use another’s logo for any purpose, except as specifically provided by license, signed agreement, or other written permission with a specific company or person.

How do you Harvard reference a digital image?

ORIGINATOR (Year) Description or title of image. [Online image] Available from: web address [Accessed date]. e.g. JSCREATIONZS (2012) Gears concept. [Online image] Available from: images/search.

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How do you Harvard reference an image from a website with no author?

When no creator name is available, use the image title (or a description) in its place. You will also use this to determine the position of the source in an alphabetical reference list. For images with no date, use ‘n.d.’ in place of the year.

How do you cite a logo in APA 7th edition?

Image from an Electronic Source

  1. creator’s name (author, artist, photographer etc.)
  2. date the work was published or created.
  3. title of the work.
  4. place of publication.
  5. publisher.
  6. type of material (for photographs, charts, online images)
  7. website address and access date.