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How do I run a Scala project?

How do I run a Scala project?

Run a Scala application via Intellij IDEA

  1. Create or import a Scala project as you would normally create or import any other project in IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. Open your application in the editor.
  3. Press Shift+F10 to execute the application. Alternatively, in the left gutter of the editor, click the. icon and select Run ‘name’.

Is Scala production ready?

Scala 3 will be ready for production faster! There’s a lot of work to be done on polishing the compiler and upgrading our tooling. We will also help the ecosystem upgrade. The Scala library and tooling ecosystem will not need to be rebuilt for 2.14, freeing up maintainers’ time to prepare for Scala 3 instead.

How do I run play framework in production mode?

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Using the start command The easiest way to start an application in production mode is to use the start command from the Play console. This requires a Play installation on the server. When you run the start command, Play forks a new JVM and runs the default Netty HTTP server.

How do I run an object in Scala?

Another way to execute Scala code is to type it into a text file and save it with a name ending with “. scala”. We can then execute that code by typing “scala filename”. For instance, we can create a file named hello.

How do I set up Scala?

Follow the steps given below to install Scala.

  1. Step 1: Verify Your Java Installation. First of all, you need to have Java Software Development Kit (SDK) installed on your system.
  2. Step 2: Set Your Java Environment.
  3. Step 3: Install Scala.

How do I run a Scala worksheet in IntelliJ?

sc, you need to let IntelliJ IDEA know how to treat such files in your project. In the Settings/Preferences dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Languages & Frameworks | Scala. On the Worksheet tab, in the Treat ….Run Scala code using Scala worksheet

  1. Create a Scala worksheet file and open it in the editor.
  2. Add your code.
  3. Click.
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How do you deploy a play framework?

These are the steps to deploy your app:

  1. Create a distribution package sbt dist.
  2. Generate your application secret run: playGenerateSecret.
  3. Copy and Unzip the package in your server and Run the app’s binary start script and pass the secret as a param:

How do I download a play framework?

Downloading Activator You can download Activator from https://playframework.com/download and click on the “offline distribution” link: The “offline distribution” comes with all of Activator’s possible dependencies included.

How do I run a Scala code in VS code?

To get started, install the Scala (Metals) extension on the VS Code Marketplace and open an sbt project directory. The Metals extension will prompt you to import the build. The build import step can take a while to run and once complete, you can enjoy the features of Metals.