
Can a file have any number of folder in it?

Can a file have any number of folder in it?

Answer: A file can have n number of folders .

Why do small files take so long to transfer?

With tiny text files, new metadata needs to be transferred for each and every file. If you copy a mix of large and small files, the computer can’t figure out how long the copy will take, so just adjusts the estimate as it goes along.

What happens to the original file when you copy it?

What happens to the original files when you copy? Copy a file means that the original file will still be in its original location. You can paste the file to another location on your hard drive, and then you have two copies of the same file. The same file is stored in two places.

What happens to a file when you move it from one directory to another in Windows on the same hard drive?

Moving a file or folder on the same disk relocates it whereas dragging it from one disk to another copies it so that it appears in both locations. When the destination folder or drive is not visible, you can use the Cut (to move), Copy, and Paste commands on the Edit menu to move or copy the items.

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How is a folder different from a file?

File vs Folder The difference between a file and a folder is that a file is a collection or group of interlinked data and information, whereas a folder is a container used to store files and subfolders. Files have extensions to identify their type but folders do not have extensions.

How many GB can folder hold?

You can put 4,294,967,295 files into a single folder if drive is formatted with NTFS (would be unusual if it were not) as long as you do not exceed 256 terabytes (single file size and space) or all of disk space that was available whichever is less.

Is copying files read or write?

Copying a file is just reading it into memory and then writing it out. Once the bytes come off the disk, the file system has no control any more over what the user does with them.

Do copied files take up space?

Copying files takes up exactly as much space as the files you’re copying, that’s easy. be copied while they’re in use must also be copied.)

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What happen if a file or folder is moved to another folder or drive?

File permissions Moving a file or folder from a shared folder into My Drive is a move and not a copy. It inherits new permissions from the destination folder, in addition to other, explicitly set, permissions. Users no longer see the moved files or folders in the shared folder.