
How do you integrate CCAvenue payment gateway in ionic 3?

How do you integrate CCAvenue payment gateway in ionic 3?

3 Answers

  1. By default ccavenue blocks all ip addresses from showing payment page except the url by which user has registered.
  2. First check what ip address is being used by the app while run through ionic serve , ask the ccavenue support to whitelist that ip and also port 8100 or whatever your app is using.

How does ionic integrate payment gateway?

Ionic 4 and Payment Gateways

  1. Step 1 — Creating an Ionic 4 app.
  2. Step 2 — Create a PayPal developer account and configure it for app and PWA integration.
  3. Step 3 — Use Ionic Native plugin for PayPal to enable payment in mobile apps.
  4. Step 4 — Build the app on android to test app payments.
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How does ionic 5 integrate payment gateway?

  1. Step 1 — Create PayPal developer account and configure it for integration.
  2. Step 2— Create a basic Ionic Angular app.
  3. Step 3 — Configure PayPal web integration.
  4. Step 4 — Test payments in PWA.
  5. Step 5 — Integrate Ionic Native plugin for PayPal.
  6. Step 6 — Build the app on android to test app payments.

Does CCAvenue accept international payments?

CCAvenue payment gateway international payments One advantage of CCAvenue is the ability to have multi-currency payment processing available in 27 major foreign currencies on their platform.

How do you integrate Razorpay payment gateway in ionic 4?

Integration Steps

  1. Create an Order in Server.
  2. Install the Razorpay Capacitor Plugin.
  3. Add the Checkout class in MainActivity. java (Android Only).
  4. Add the Checkout Code.
  5. Store Fields in Server.
  6. Verify Payment Signature.

How do I add PayPal API?

Log in to the Developer Dashboard with your PayPal account. Under the DASHBOARD menu, select My Apps & Credentials. Make sure you’re on the Sandbox tab to get the API credentials you’ll use while you’re developing code. After you test and before you go live, switch to the Live tab to get live credentials.