
What are the main features of WAN?

What are the main features of WAN?

The distinguishing features of WAN are

  • WANs have a large capacity, connecting a large number of computers over a large area, and are inherently scalable.
  • They facilitate the sharing of regional resources.
  • They provide uplinks for connecting LANs and MANs to the Internet.

What is the importance of WAN?

WANs can facilitate communication, the sharing of information and much more between devices from around the world through a WAN provider. WANs can be vital for international businesses, but they are also essential for everyday use, as the internet is considered the largest WAN in the world.

What are the features of WAN and LAN?

Difference between a LAN and a WAN

LAN is a computer network that covers a small geographic area, like a home, office, or group of buildings. WAN is a computer network that covers a broad area. For example, any network whose communications links cross-regional and metropolitan boundaries over a long distance.
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Which features are WANs generally designed to accommodate?

WANs provide network capabilities to support a variety of mission-critical traffic such as voice, video, and data.

What is one of the major advantages of a WAN?

WANs offer a distinct privacy and security advantage. Network Performance Consistency: Equally important, your data does not have to compete with other Internet data for bandwidth as your communications travel between destinations. You get continuous access to all the bandwidth you are paying for.

What are 2 advantages of WAN?

Advantages of Wide Area Network

  • Area Coverage. WAN generally covers geographical areas of large proportions (1000kms or more than that).
  • Centralized Data.
  • Updated Files.
  • Message Exchange.
  • Increased Bandwidth.
  • Assured Uptime.
  • Security.
  • Need of Security Solutions.

Are WANs necessary?

Without WANs, LANs would be a series of isolated networks. LANs provide both speed and cost-efficiency for transmitting data over relatively small geographic areas. However, as organizations expand, businesses require communication among geographically separated sites.

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What are the features of LAN Class 10?

LAN (Local Area Network) –

  • Systems connected in a small network like in a building or a small office.
  • It is inexpensive.
  • It uses Ethernet or Token-ring technology.
  • Two or more personal computers can be connected through wires or cables acting as nodes.
  • Transfer of data is fast and is highly score.