
What is self-compacting concrete used for?

What is self-compacting concrete used for?

Generally, SCC is used for constructing reinforced concrete elements with closely arranged reinforcement sections, construction elements with limited compaction possibilities, filigree construction elements, exposed concrete parts where high surface quality is required, texture surfaced concrete construction elements.

What are the fresh properties of self-compacting concrete?

The three properties that characterise a concrete as self-compacting Concrete are Flowing ability—the ability to completely fill all areas and corners of the formwork into which it is placed Passing ability—the ability to pass through congested reinforcement without separation of the constituents or blocking Resistance …

What is filling ability of self-compacting concrete?

Filling Ability of Self Compacting Concrete It is the ability of SCC to flow into all spaces within the formwork under its own weight. Tests, such as slump flow, V-funnel etc, are used to determine the filling ability of fresh concrete.

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What is the slump value of self-compacting concrete?

A value of at least 650 mm is required for SCC (Self Compact Concrete).

What are the requirements materials and production of self-compacting concrete?

The necessary ingredients for manufacturing SCC are superplasticizers and powder materials (including cement, fly ash, ground fillers or other mineral additions even in the form of fine recycled aggregate) at an adequate content (> 400 kg/m3 of cement and filler), with some limits in the maximum size of the coarse …

What is the disadvantage of self compacting concrete?

SCC requires high fluidity in tight joints formwork,which slow downs the casting rate.

  • Due to its low water-cement ratio,plastic shrinkage cracks may occur. But this can be avoided by curing properly.
  • Highly skilled and experienced workers are required for the production of SCC.
  • It is more costly than any other conventional concrete.
  • What is self-consolidating concrete?

    Self-consolidating concrete is a highly flowable type of concrete that spreads into the form without the need for mechanical vibration.

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    What is compaction of concrete?

    Compaction of concrete is the process adopted for expelling the entrapped air as far as possible from the concrete to achieve the highest possible density of the compacted mass. The main purpose of compaction of concrete is to get a dense mass without voids, to get the concrete to surround all reinforcement and to fill all corners. Courtesy – 123rf.