
What shows have predicted the future?

What shows have predicted the future?

9 times TV shows accurately predicted the future

  • The Simpsons and the FIFA scandal.
  • Spooks and the 7/7 bombings.
  • Hannibal and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
  • Scrubs and Osama Bin Laden’s hideout.
  • Black Mirror and piggate.
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Google Glass.
  • The Lone Gunmen and 9/11.

What character can see the future?

Sir Nighteye is a pro hero who uses a quirk called Foresight. Foresight allows him to view a person’s future as if it were a movie, for up to one hour at a time. While his ability is enormously useful, it also has drawbacks.

What TV show has predicted the future the most?

“The Simpsons” has an eerie knack for predicting the future, from Donald Trump’s presidency to U.S. beating Sweden for an Olympic gold medal in curling. Here are 14 times the long-running comedy series got it right.

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Which DC character can see the future?

Waverider (character)

Alter ego Matthew Ryder
Team affiliations Linear Men Justice League
Abilities Ability to time travel to any time Can access a person’s aura and see their past and possible future Quantum energy blasts Lightspeed flight Invisibility Intangibility

How long did it take to film Back to the Future?

Filming concluded after 107 days on April 26, 1985. The final day of filming included pick-up shots of Marty and Einstein the dog in the DeLorean.

Is back to the future the best movie ever?

1985’s Back to the Future is a classic of 1980s blockbuster filmmaking, combining elements of science fiction, comedy, romance, and earnest, goofy fun to become an endearing and eternal piece of popcorn entertainment. It’s so good, in fact, that we’re confident in calling it the best sci-fi movie of all time.