
Why is it called high water mark?

Why is it called high water mark?

The term alludes to the mark left when a body of water reaches its highest level, as in a flood. …

What’s another word for high water mark?

What is another word for high-water mark?

peak pinnacle
apex climax
apogee acme
crest crown
culmination head

What does below high water mark mean?

a mark that shows the highest level that the sea or river reaches at a particular place.

What is the meaning of water mark?

1 : a mark that shows a level to which water has risen. 2 : a mark made in paper during manufacture that is visible when the paper is held up to the light.

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How do I reset my high water mark?

The High Water Mark is the maximum number of blocks which have ever contained data. Deleting records from a table frees up the space but does not move the HWM. In order to reset the High Water Mark we have to drop and recreate the table, or just truncate it.

What is the synonym of high?

tall, lofty, towering, soaring, elevated, giant, big. multistorey, high-rise, sky-scraping.

What is the low water mark concept?

Low water mark is a term that refers to a fixed indexed annuity crediting method. Low water is a crediting method that is based on the difference between the end value of the reference index and the lowest level of the reference index over the term between contract inception and maturity. …

What is the high water mark of a river?

A high water mark is a point that represents the maximum rise of a body of water over land. Such a mark is often the result of a flood, but high water marks may reflect an all-time high, an annual high (highest level to which water rose that year) or the high point for some other division of time.

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What is the purpose of watermarks on a document?

A watermark is an image or text that appears behind the main text of the document. It is usually a lighter shade than the text, so you can read the document easily. Text Watermarks are often used to categorize or to show the purpose of a document with words such as DRAFT.


What is the meaning of chest high water?

chest-high water. to the firehouse, which is in an elevated area.