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How does Australia benefit from being a member of ASEAN?

How does Australia benefit from being a member of ASEAN?

ASEAN is also very important to Australia’s economic prosperity. As a bloc, ASEAN is currently Australia’s third largest trading partner accounting for 15\% of Australia’s total trade. Over the past 15 years, ASEAN’s combined economy has quadrupled to US$2.5 trillion.

What is Australia’s status with ASEAN?

Australia became ASEAN’s first Dialogue Partner in 1974 and we became Strategic Partners in 2014. Australia and ASEAN have an agreed Plan of Action covering the breadth of our cooperation, which is updated every five years. Our partnership with ASEAN amplifies our voice in the region.

What connection does Australia have with New Zealand?

Bilateral relations. Australia and New Zealand are natural allies with a strong trans-Tasman sense of family. Migration, trade and defence ties, keen competition on the sporting field, and strong people-to-people links have helped shape a close and co-operative relationship.

Does Australia have a strong relationship with Asia Pacific?

Australia and our Pacific partners have special and close relationships, forged over decades of sustained engagement, our shared history, common values and our cultural affinity for family, religion, sports and more. These personal connections go to the heart of our robust relationships.

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Why does Australia trade with Asia?

Ten of Australia’s top 12 export markets are in Asia. They provide significant advantages in sectors where Australian goods and services are in demand, including agriculture, resources and services. The agreements also create new opportunities for bilateral investment and will bring vital new capital into Australia.

Does Australia belong to Southeast Asia?

Australia is a member of a number of Southeast Asian regional organisations, through which we work collaboratively with our ASEAN neighbours to address shared challenges. More about Southeast Asian organisations.

Who would benefit from ASEAN integration?

5. Philippines prosperity. With the full integration of the ASEAN countries, investments, services, job skills and a free market would enable the Philippines to have economic prosperity and the benefits will eventually trickle down to the citizens’ benefit.

What countries do Australia have special connections with?

It maintains significant ties with ASEAN and has become steadfastly allied with New Zealand, through long-standing ties dating back to the 1800s. The country also has a longstanding alliance with the United States of America.