
Who owns most of the land in New Zealand?

Who owns most of the land in New Zealand?

Newton’s investigation reveals that in total 56 percent of New Zealand is privately owned land. Within that 3.3 percent is in foreign hands and 6.7 percent is Maori-owned. At least 28 percent of the entire country is in public ownership, compared with say the UK where only eight percent is public land.

How much of NZ is privately owned?

Why did the Chinese leave China to NZ?

Reasons for leaving China A steady stream of able-bodied young men sought to make their fortunes overseas, first in South-East Asia and then further afield in the Pacific Rim countries. The discovery of gold in California, Canada and Australasia swelled this exodus.

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Why is Jian Yang seeking legal advice?

National MP Jian Yang is seeking legal advice following a story that raises questions about his links with Chinese military and intelligence. The story by media outlet Newsroom focuses on the time Dr Yang taught at institutions run by the People’s Liberation Army – the Chinese equivalent of America’s National Security Agency.

Who is New Zealand’s Richard Yang?

In his six years as an MP for New Zealand’s ruling National party, Yang has been a vocal supporter of China’s Communist party. Great Helmsman or ruinous dictator?

Why is NZ’s Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) interested in Yang?

The reported interest in Yang by New Zealand’s Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) stems from time he spent at two academic institutions in his native China between 1978 and 1994. One is the Air Force Engineering Academy of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), where he studied English language as an undergraduate and subsequently taught.

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What has Yangyang done for You?

Yang had contributed a great deal as a National MP during his time in Parliament and his nine years of service had involved a lot of hard work, he said. “As a list MP he has travelled the country, supporting many different communities helping them with different issues.