
Did Vader ever plan to overthrow the emperor?

Did Vader ever plan to overthrow the emperor?

So no, Darth Vader never had any serious intention of killing the Emperor. That is until Anakin’s deeply buried love for his son, Luke overcame his intimidation by the Emperor. In what was most likely a spontaneous surge of emotion that overcame Darth Vader’s fear of the Emperor.

Could Vader have defeated the emperor?

A new comic has revealed that Darth Vader knew he could singlehandedly defeat Palpatine, before Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi. In a new comic it has been revealed that Darth Vader knew he could singlehandedly defeat Emperor Palpatine prior to Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi.

Can Anakin overthrow Palpatine?

No anakin could not overthrow sidious at that point in time. Anakin would give sidious better duel than maul did thats sure but anakin falls ultimately short in force power and tactical side of things.

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Why did Vader save the emperor?

Originally Answered: In Star Wars (the creative franchise), why did Darth Vader stop Luke from killing Emperor Palpatine if he wanted Palpatine dead? Vader needed Palpatine to help bring Luke fully to the dark side. He wanted him to be completely enveloped in hate so he’d stay in the dark.

Why did Sidious choose the name Vader?

In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, Sidious warned his apprentice to not underestimate how much he disappointed his master by losing to Kenobi on Mustafar. Sidious had given the title of “Darth Vader” to Anakin Skywalker because at the time he believed that the fallen Jedi was worthy of bearing a Sith name.

Was Darth Vader loyal to the emperor?

In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader felt defeated and more importantly trapped, again. He was still reeling over Luke’s rejection of his offer and felt that at this juncture, he was far too gone to the dark side, so he might as well remained loyal to Emperor Palpatine.

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What does Palpatine tell Darth Vader about Padme?

He tells Darth Vader that because of his rage, Padmé is dead and not even the Dark Side can bring her back. Palpatine goes on to explain that Padmé’s death has given him the gift of pain, which he can use to live, otherwise he would die.

Did you know Darth Vader had a Sith apprentice between episode 3-4?

So buckle up as we take a look at a galaxy far, far away and explore the 15 Things You Had No Idea Darth Vader Did Between Star Wars Episode 3 and 4. Many fans may not know, but Darth Vader had a Sith apprentice in between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

How did lekauf save Vader from death?

Lekauf attempted to save Vader with a flame thrower, but Sheyvan’s force sensitive clones deflected the fire and Vader was almost burned until Lekauf jumped in front of the flames. Vader then used the force to ease his pain, gave him medical treatment in a bacta tank, and let him retire with his family on Coruscant.

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Why did Skywalker want to kill Padmé Skywalker?

Skywalker went through all of this because he had a premonition that Padmé would die in childbirth. Palpatine promised Anakin that learning the dark side of the force could save her life. He tells Darth Vader that because of his rage, Padmé is dead and not even the Dark Side can bring her back.