
What is a space like event?

What is a space like event?

space-like: the two events are too far apart (in space).

What is a quantum event?

Individual particle physics events are modeled by scattering theory based on an underlying quantum field theory of the particles and their interactions. The S-matrix is used to characterize the probability of various event outgoing particle states given the incoming particle states.

What is an event in physics?

In physics, and in particular relativity, an event is the instantaneous physical situation or occurrence associated with a point in spacetime (that is, a specific place and time). For example, a glass breaking on the floor is an event; it occurs at a unique place and a unique time.

What Cannot happen at the same time?

In statistics and probability theory, two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot occur at the same time. The simplest example of mutually exclusive events is a coin toss. A tossed coin outcome can be either head or tails, but both outcomes cannot occur simultaneously.

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What is eventevent (relativity)?

Event (relativity) Part of a series of articles about. General relativity. In physics, and in particular relativity, an event is the instantaneous physical situation or occurrence associated with a point in spacetime (that is, a specific place and time).

What is the spacetime interval between two events in space?

In other words, the spacetime interval between two events on the world line of something moving at the speed of light is zero. Such an interval is termed lightlike or null. A photon arriving in our eye from a distant star will not have aged, despite having (from our perspective) spent years in its passage.

What are eventevent and timelike worldline?

Event These are the individual points of a spacetime. They represent points in space at a particular time. Timelike Worldline This is the trajectory of a point moving less than the speed of light. These curves are contained within the light cone.

What is the meaning of event in physics?

t. e. In physics, and in particular relativity, an event is the instantaneous physical situation or occurrence associated with a point in spacetime (that is, a specific place and time). For example, a glass breaking on the floor is an event; it occurs at a unique place and a unique time.