
What is the difference between a radioactive source and an X-ray device?

What is the difference between a radioactive source and an X-ray device?

Radioactive sources are unstable materials that generate gamma rays as they decay. X-rays are generated in a vacuum tube where high voltage is used to accelerate electrons to a high velocity, that then collide with a metal target, an anode creating X-rays.

What is a good source of X-ray radiation?

X-rays and gamma rays can come from natural sources, such as radon gas, radioactive elements in the earth, and cosmic rays that hit the earth from outer space.

Do X-ray machines have a radioactive source?

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Radiation – An X-ray machine must be plugged into an electrical source in order to produce radiation. Once you unplug an X-ray machine, there’s no residual radiation. Cobalt 60 – Cobalt 60 is a radioisotope used in radiography and medical applications. Once that’s done, many parts of the machine can be recycled.

What are the risks of using X-rays in medical imaging?


  • a small increase in the possibility that a person exposed to X-rays will develop cancer later in life.
  • tissue effects such as cataracts, skin reddening, and hair loss, which occur at relatively high levels of radiation exposure and are rare for many types of imaging exams.

What are the dangers of gamma rays?

The extremely high energy of gamma rays allows them to penetrate just about anything. They can even pass through bones and teeth. This makes gamma rays very dangerous. They can destroy living cells, produce gene mutations, and cause cancer.

What are the risks of using radiation as a medical tool?

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Very high doses of radiation cause damage to human cells, as evidenced by skin burns, loss of hair, and increased incidence of cancer. Because high doses of radiation can cause cancer, it is therefore generally assumed that low doses may also cause cancer.

Why is radiation bad for the environment?

Similarly to humans and animals, plants and soil are also affected negatively from high amounts of nuclear radiation. Just like in humans, radioactive material can damage plant tissue as well as inhibit plant growth. Mutations are also possible due to the damage caused to the DNA.

Why gamma rays are harmful?

What is the source of radiation in diagnostic radiography?

In diagnostic radiography, the X-ray device is the source of radiation and it emits a radiation beam that is absorbed by the patient. What are the different types of radiation? And why are X-rays preferred for use in medical imaging? There are two major types of radiation – particulate and electromagnetic.

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Why are X-rays used in imaging?

X-rays, on account of their high frequency, carry more energy and have high tissue penetration, which is why they are the type of radiation used in medical imaging. Radiation is measured in units called radiation absorbed dose (rad) and Gray.

Why can’t gamma rays and X-rays be used in space?

For free space transmission, it wouldn’t be good to use “high” energy radiation such as gamma rays and x-rays because they could be dangerous for peoples health. Also, the air can scatter high energy radiation (we see a blue sky because of this scattering of blue and violet light for instance).

What types of radiation can be detected by a radioactive meter?

However, some models can detect alpha, beta, gamma, and/or neutron radiation emitted from radioactive materials. One particular meter, known as a teletector, is specifically designed to detect gamma and x-ray radiation.