
How does air resistance affect badminton?

How does air resistance affect badminton?

From the terminal velocity of a shuttlecock, the conclusion reveals that the equation of this study could predict the trajectory of a shuttlecock, and it shows that air drag force is proportional to the square of a shuttlecock velocity. Additionally, the angle and strength of a stroke could also influence trajectory.

Is drag and air resistance the same?

In fluid dynamics, drag (sometimes called air resistance, a type of friction, or fluid resistance, another type of friction or fluid friction) is a force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid.

Is air resistance linear or quadratic?

The quadratic contribution is ten million times smaller and hence negligible, so there is no need to calculate the quadratic term; the air resistance is purely linear.

What is a drag in badminton?

For the ordinary shuttlecock, the air flows through the gap in the shuttlecock skirt, and this flow is related to high aerodynamic drag. That is, the high aerodynamic drag of a badminton shuttlecock is causes by the gap in the shuttlecock skirt.

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How is mathematics used in badminton?

Maths in Badminton The height, width and length of the playing space, plus time, make it so that players must have a lot of skill, speed, fitness and accuracy. From a mathematical point of view, the trajectories of a shuttlecock are a bunch of mathematical functions.

What is the resistance of air?

The resistivity of air is 1.3*10^16 to 3.3* 10^16 ohm . Everybody knows air is a good insulator , but up to certain limits . I mean to say that air is a good insulator ( for low voltages ) up to certain voltage level called breakdown voltage . At the point of breakdown voltage it behaves as a conductor .

Is drag allowed in badminton?

Both feet must stay on the ground until the server contacts the shuttle. Only some part of each foot has to stay on the ground; this allows you to shift your weight and even turn your body (as in a forehand high serve). You may not drag a foot along the floor, however.

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Can you drag the shuttlecock in badminton?

Badminton shuttlecock is high drag projectile that decelerates rapidly in-flight. Synthetic or plastic shuttlecock is more economical alternative to feather shuttlecock. However, their aerodynamic behaviour is more complex than feather shuttlecocks.