
Why does Cersei sit on the Iron Throne?

Why does Cersei sit on the Iron Throne?

After the Great Sept of Baelor is destroyed and the main Tyrell line and the Sparrows are wiped out, King Tommen commits suicide. Without a clear line of succession and anyone to oppose her, Cersei is crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms by Qyburn before the court and sits on the Iron Throne.

Why did Ser Jaime kill the mad king?

He later explains to Brienne that he killed Aerys because the king had planned to incinerate all of King’s Landing and its inhabitants rather than let it fall into Robert’s hands.

Why was bran asking about Drogon?

Presumably he wants to locate and kill the dragon (or otherwise chain it up) so it can’t burn down any more cities, though it’s also possible that Bran wants Drogon near to be able to warg into him and control him (but that would sort of be more of the same, so probably not).

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What happened to Jaime Lannister?

WESTEROS ― Jaime Lannister, son of Tywin and Joanna Lannister and twin brother of Queen Cersei Lannister, died Sunday night in a fiery battle for the Iron Throne.

Why did Aerys Targaryen burn King’s landing?

As Tywin and his Lannister army invaded the city during Robert’s Rebellion, Aerys went full villain. The king ordered Jaime to kill his “traitor” father and demanded his pyromancer burn King’s Landing, with all its inhabitants, to the ground.

Did Jaime Lannister marry Cersei?

Thereafter, Jaime was known as the “Kingslayer.” Although he never married, Jaime did maintain a secret romance with Cersei, who claimed publicly that their children ― Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen ― were those of King Robert. Sadly, none of the three ever reached adulthood.

What happened to Joffrey and Myrcella Targaryen?

Sadly, none of the three ever reached adulthood. Joffrey died at his own wedding to Margaery Tyrell, Myrcella was poisoned by Ellaria Sand in Dorne, and Tommen took his own life following his mother’s callous decision to blow up the Sept of Baelor in King’s Landing.