
Can a man marry his divorced wife sister?

Can a man marry his divorced wife sister?

Yes, provided he is not still married to his wife at the time. But, if he divorces his wife, or if his wife dies, there is no reason why a man cannot marry his wife’s sister. It makes no difference whether that sister is older or younger than his wife.

What do you call your wife’s sister in law?

Noun. co-sister-in-law (plural co-sisters-in-law) One’s spouse’s sister-in-law, especially one’s husband’s brother’s wife, one’s brother’s wife in relation to the spouses of his siblings; either of two (or more) women who are married to brothers, in relation to the other.

Is it legal for a man to marry widow’s sister?

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If you mean to ask can a man legally marry his wife’s sister after his wife dies, then yes, as long as the sister isn’t married to someone else.

Can a man marry 2 sisters at the same time?

NEW DELHI: Settling a longstanding debate in Muslim Personal Law concerning the status of two sisters marrying a man, the Supreme Court has ruled that the latter’s marriage to his wife’s sister, during the subsistence of the earlier marriage, was merely irregular though not illegal.

Is your sister’s husband your brother-in-law?

sister-in-law The husband of your sister is your brother-in-law.

Can a widow marry the sister of her husband?

They and some other groups around the world have followed the practice of sororate marriage, in which a widower marries the sister of his late wife. (It’s a variation of the much more widespread tradition of levirate marriage —commanded in Deuteronomy—where a widow marries her late husband’s brother.)

Where did you go when your wife went into labor?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (16 September 2010): When my wife went into labor, I was at the health club in the pool. Her sister drove her to the hospital. I arrived in her room (a private birthing room) my bathing suit and a T-shirt, with my gym bag.

Does my late wife’s sister owe her parents an apology?

Your late wife’s sister does owe her parents an apology for not being more open with them sooner. But neither of you should feel you need to justify yourselves or that you’ve crossed some boundary. I had a letter last year from a man whose older wife had died and whose stepdaughter wanted to become his lover. I felt that was violating a taboo.

When is it time to move on from a lying partner?

If your partner says any of the things listed below, experts say it may be time to move on. If you catch your partner lying, or suspect that they might be, “notice their reaction when confronted,” Sundet says.