
What are the contributions of the colonizers to Philippines?

What are the contributions of the colonizers to Philippines?

Spanish Colonization (1565-1898) Because Spain controlled the Philippines so early and for so long, they were a massive influence to the modern Filipino culture. The biggest influence still seen to this day is religion. The majority of religion practiced in the Philippines is still Roman Catholic, at 79.5\%.

Which Philippine president contributed the most in science and technology?

During her term, President Corazon Aquino encouraged scientists and inventors to bring the Philippines to its former position as second to only Japan in the field of science and technology. One of the goals of her administration was to achieve the status as being an industrialized country by 2000.

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What are the significant contribution of the Spaniards to the development of science and technology in the Philippines?

The Spanish also contributed to the field of engineering in the islands by constructing government buildings, churches, roads, bridges and forts. Biology is given focus. Contributors to science in the archipelago during the 19th century were botanists, Fr. Ignacio Mercado., Dr.

What are the major scientific and technological developments in the world?

Reinforcing this point, here are three of the greatest inventions of our time and the very different labs they were discovered in.

  1. DNA fingerprinting. DNA fingerprinting is now taken for granted.
  2. The internet.
  3. Wireless electricity.

What are the contribution of Science and technology to Philippine nation-building?

The major contributions of science and technology to Philippine nation-building are linked to its socio-economic progress and its industrialization. Today, the current state of our country is very low in its capacity to produce local goods for domestic needs as well as in international scientific research publications.

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What are the contribution of Spaniards and Americans to the Philippines?

What are the contribution of the Spaniards and Americans to the development of science and technology in the Philippines? The Americans contributed more to science in the Phils than the Spaniards.

How did the scientific revolution start in the Philippines?

Scientific revolution started on 1543, Magellan first arrived in the Philippines on 1521. Spanish colonization began on 1565. With this colonization, people were already educated, doing trades with other countries, have own alphabet called Baybayin and rich of gold.

What is the contribution of Austronesian civilization in the Philippines?

Austronesians set up a civilized, agricultural society in the Philippines. When they lived in China and Taiwan, they developed rice agriculture, including rice paddies. They domesticated millet grains as a substitute to rice in areas where rice could not be grown.