
What are some arguments in favor of nuclear weapons?

What are some arguments in favor of nuclear weapons?

Arguments for nuclear weapons

  • The possession of nuclear weapons has kept the major world powers from coming to war since 1955, out of fear of what might happen (mutually assured destruction).
  • The knowledge of nuclear weapons cannot be removed.

Why nuclear weapons are good for the world?

The threat of mutually assured nuclear destruction deters countries from engaging in total interstate wars and gives countries incentive to strengthen international institutions through arms control treaties and collective security measures.

Why do nuclear weapons still exist?

The principal role of nuclear weapons was and continues to be that of deterring any potential adversaries from an attack on America or our vital interests. This role is expected to continue for as long as nuclear weapons hold the appellation of “supreme” instruments of military force.

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Why might Christians agree with nuclear weapons?

Christians may believe that nuclear weapons whilst they should never be used because harming civilians goes against the sanctity of life, could be used as a deterrent to reduce the chance of war and violence.

Why is nuclear warfare good?

Why did the United States build so many multimegaton weapons?

The United States built the greater number of multimegaton weapons, doing so in the late 1950s and 1960s mostly to equip its bomber force with a massive nuclear capability against the U.S.S.R. The U.S. largely abandoned such weapons in favor of smaller nuclear weapons, allowing more flexible delivery of larger numbers of warheads.

How many megatons did the Soviet nuclear weapons have?

Weapons with yields up to 20-50 megatons were developed and deployed (one Soviet weapon of 150 mt was developed but probably never operational). Of the roughly 135,000 warheads ever built by the two superpowers, about 3\% had yields over 4.5 megatons.

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What was the largest nuclear weapon ever deployed?

The Titan was the largest ICBM ever deployed. The Titan held a nine megaton nuclear warhead, making it the most powerful single nuclear weapon in American history. Titans were finally retired in the mid-1980’s due to their high cost and a series of accidents. A Titan I stands ready

Is there any information on the history of high-yield nuclear weapons?

While much information on U.S. nuclear warhead history is available, information is still scanty on some high-yield nuclear weapons. Information now available on the former Soviet/current Russian arsenal is limited regarding its largest weapons, and considerable inconsistencies in available information remain.